“The Six Attitudes of High Achievers”
High Achievers….
Reflection: If you want to be successful in life, you should never think of making small temporary plans. If one wants to be a great achiever in life, one should always make big wonderful plans. It shouldn’t be only one plan, because high achievers have multiple huge plans just in case one fails. High achievers don’t give up so that’s why they have multiple huge plans right behind them in case something goes wrong. If you would like to be a high achiever you should have a wild and big imagination that will lead you to big ideas and plans. One way to have big plans is by challenging yourself to do better every second of the day. By doing this you’ll try to do the best you can and when you see your failing you’re going to have so much energy you’ll want to try again and again until you accomplish what you want and desire. Always make you goals a bit bigger because sooner or later you’ll have huge plans and no small ones. For example, in my 100+ goals I had many small goals and plans but once I got into writing more of my goals and future plans each one got bigger and bigger slowly, without me even realizing it.
Plans are only good intentions unless they immediately degenerate into hard work.
I will apply this to my life by always making long term goals that I really want determine, and even though it seem so good to reach I will never give up.
2.) Do What They Fear
Reflection: This to me means that you should always try to stand out next to others; also you should always try to do new things every day because you’ll always learn something you never knew before. By doing something others fear to do, that gives you an advantage to learn and open new wonderful doors to your life. If you do things others don’t, that can benefit you a lot especially when they have to choose between others and you. Doing something that others yet haven’t done can make you a more strong simply because you already tried something new. When people see you do something they wouldn’t do especially if it something educational and that seems difficult they’ll automatically think of you as a courage’s person. Also something that everybody should acknowledge is that if you see somebody that fears something it doesn’t automatically mean that its bad, you should always try on your own (only in positive occasions) to figure out if its something positive or negative. For example, in school there are many college classes you may take on Saturdays. Last year, our counselor came to promote the classes but many students didn’t take the opportunity, because as soon as they heard they were college classes they got overwhelmed. My friend and I rapidly took the chance and in the college class we were the only freshmen. As a result of doing something what others feared, we passed the class with a “B” and it’ll defiantly benefit us once we go into college.
3. Are Willing to prepare
Reflection: This is very important; because to be successful and do what you want to do, you have to be willing to prepare for any positive or even negative outcomes to your life. Everyone you should know and accept the fact that one is not always going to have things their way and not everything is good in life. You have to prepare yourself for negative things coming your way, because one cannot live happy forever. I believe that no matter how much you try, at one point in life you’re going to feel down. By preparing yourself you open a new door to acceptance and knowledge. When you are willing to prepare yourself you get better and better at what’s actually comes your way. Preparing yourself for anything can most likely give you a positive outcome, for the reason in which you actually practiced before the real things comes my way. For example, I am always willing to prepare myself when upcoming test are coming my way. I do this because I know what I want and I know that by preparing myself for the test I can receive good results. In conclusion, since I am always willing to prepare for any school assignments I most likely get good grades.
To be a consistent winner means preparing not just one day, one month or even one year - but for a lifetime.
4.) Are willing to risk failure
Reflection: This is a very important thing one must do at all times. You must be willing to risk failure because if you don’t how can you find out it’s not failure but a success. We should be willing to risk failure, because we must accept that not all things are going to have a great outcome. If you don’t risk yourself in trying something because your afraid of failure you’ll never come out your little box, you must always try new things and never give up. Once you risk failure you’ll try again and again without you even realizing it. For example, at school I always risk failure without even me noticing. Every time I get an assignment I like to go a bit over the top to make my work better. The thing is that I don’t want to go too over the top, because then my work may come out bad. But I risk it because if I don’t I’ll never learn either if I should do more than I should or just the amount their asking for. In conclusion, risking failure is basically just trying new things without being afraid.
He who is not courageous enough to take risks will accomplish nothing in life.
I will apply this to my life by always trying my best because after failure success always comes next.
5.) Are Teachable
Reflection: Being teachable is very important, due to the fact that being teachable is basically meaning that you are willing to learn. If someone wants to be successful in life one should accept to be taught many different things, to gain more and more knowledge. Once you are allowing people to teach you many things you didn’t know before you’ll gain much more knowledge little by little, to the fact that you won’t even notice how much you’re learning and discovering. To be successful in life one should always be willing to learn because if you’re such a closed person, you’ll never be open to yourself and the world. For example, in school I always try to show that I am an open person, so people can actually see how much I care not only for myself but about my grades in school and my future. In class I never talk back to the teacher, because I’m allowing them to teach me new stuff and I won’t be rude about that, because that’s beneficial for me. Also I never talk while my teacher is talking because that shows that I don’t care what she is teaching me and I’m not allowing them to teach me. In school I like to be quite but not because I’m a closed person, but because I’m actually interested in what I’m learning. In conclusion, always try to be an open person, and allow people to come into your life and teach you new stuff. Believe it or not it will give you a huge advantage in the future.
“What I believe is that all clear-minded people should remain two things throughout their lifetimes: Curious and teachable.” ― Roger Ebert
I will apply this to my life, by being more open to the world, because believe it or not just by accepting the world how it is your accepting knowledge to enter your brain.
6.) Have Heart
Reflection: Having a heart is very an important aspect one should have at all times. One should respect one another and treat others equally. We all should have a heart because one day we will defiantly need someone to show what kind of heart we have. By being kind and respectful others can rapidly see what type of heart you have. If it’s either a good or bad heart. If you have a good heart many doors will open for you especially on days that you need it. But when you have a bad heart no one will open their doors to you and simply ignore you. For example, when I see people in need living in the streets I truly feel bad for them. By that one can see that I have a kind heart simply because I feel the other person’s pain. Believe it or not there are many cruel hearts out in the world. For example some people get annoyed when they see people in need on the streets. One thing they say is “They can get up and work”. Although in some cases I agree because many end up in the streets because of drugs. But one should never judge a book by its covers, because we don’t know their life background and what they been through.
Sometimes the heart sees what is invisible to the eye.
I will apply this to my life, by being kind, because everyone in this world needs a bit of kindness in their life.
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