Friday, November 13, 2015

Overall Reflection

Overall Reflection:  The whole 6 pillars we’ve gone through these passing weeks have really defined what high achievers are, and should have as their characteristics. These 6 pillars won’t only make you a better person, but it’ll give you a huge advantage in life and your future. These six pillars will help us improve ourselves and our life. These six pillars can truly make you choose better decisions and choose the right path for your future. While going over these six pillars I am committed to have these characteristics at all times. This will open so many doors for me and people will think of me as a positive and great person. I know that if I have the attitude of these six pillars I will go far in life, and I’ll accomplish everything I want to. In conclusion, if you want to accomplish your goals you should always have these six pillars in mind, because trust me it will take you far. 

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