Monday, August 24, 2015

Life Planning Goals

My Life Planning Goals
  1. Get good grades during my whole high school years
  2. Graduate high school
  3. Go to a good university
  4. Make my parents proud
  5. Travel to many places
  6. Learn how to drive
  7. Get my licence 
  8. Own a car
  9. Come to school everyday
  10. Always be prompt to school
  11. Be organized with all my school work
  12. Go to Six flags again
  13. Go to Universal Studios again
  14. Go to Disneyland again
  15. Visit my grandparents 
  16. Join many clubs
  17. Join Best Buddies Club
  18. Be a responsible person
  19. Be an intelligent person
  20. Type faster in computers
  21. Type without looking at the keyboard
  22. Visit El Salvador
  23. Always be a kind person
  24. Never be rude
  25. Respect all adults
  26. Give my parents what they deserve
  27. Have a great future
  28. Have a career
  29. Be a lawyer/judge
  30. Take many AP classes
  31. Be a teachers helper
  32. Get a free block
  33. Go on a boat cruise
  34. Go to New York
  35. Go on a road trip with my family
  36. Be a CTR person
  37. Be a role model to my little sister
  38. Be an open person
  39. Learn how to swim perfectly
  40. Own a big house
  41. Like my career I get
  42. Go sky diving 
  43. Go on air balloon
  44. Get on a helicopter
  45. Meet some celebrities

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