Thursday, June 9, 2016

Last Lecture

Last Lecture
Student Success Statement

"You will go far with CTR."
(Mr. Haymore)

Reflection: CTR stands for choosing the right. This phrase is not only something we should all do but it's something we should never forget to do. Choosing the right is something very beneficial to every person  out in the world. By choosing the right we are able to always do good things and we get to avoid all the negative things we may be surrounded with. Mr. Haymore has not only implemented this into my life but he has inspired me to always choose the right no mater the circumstance. His lessons always come right back to choosing the right and I feel that it has only made me a better person. Mr. Haymores phrase "Choose the Right" will always stay with me and I will always remember it. This has only prepared me for the future and has taught me that even though many people may choose the wrong (CTW) I should always focus on my belief. In conclusion, in order to have a very successful life one should always CTR because with that you'll go far in life.

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