Thursday, June 9, 2016

Class Evaluation

Class Evaluation
1. Some things I liked about this class was that our teacher Mr. Haymore was always in a great mood, and his class is always filled with great and positive energy.
2.  Something I did not like about this class was that we always had the same routine.
3. Some recommendation for improving the class is that we should have a bit more of fun activities rather than sitting all period in the computer.
4. A highlight of this class is how every time when class was over our teacher Mr. Haymore will always dismiss us with a great and touching quote and he would always tell us "Remember to always "CTR".
5. I honestly did always try my best to finish my work not only that but I also alway tried my best to choose the right at all moments.
6. I do read my life planning book daily due to the fact that every time I read it, it simply inspires me to keep striving towards my many goals.
7. I am totally committed into being a CTR person because not only does it help me reach success but it also benefits me because I simply feel great about myself.
8. The main thing I learned from this class that I am willing to pass  on to others is that greatness and success comes from someone who chooses the right and always has a positive mind.
9. Something I will always remember about this class is our wonderful teacher dude to everything he has taught me and the the good qualities I should have. I will also remember all his positive vibes simple flowing throughout the school.

Last Lecture

Last Lecture
Student Success Statement

"You will go far with CTR."
(Mr. Haymore)

Reflection: CTR stands for choosing the right. This phrase is not only something we should all do but it's something we should never forget to do. Choosing the right is something very beneficial to every person  out in the world. By choosing the right we are able to always do good things and we get to avoid all the negative things we may be surrounded with. Mr. Haymore has not only implemented this into my life but he has inspired me to always choose the right no mater the circumstance. His lessons always come right back to choosing the right and I feel that it has only made me a better person. Mr. Haymores phrase "Choose the Right" will always stay with me and I will always remember it. This has only prepared me for the future and has taught me that even though many people may choose the wrong (CTW) I should always focus on my belief. In conclusion, in order to have a very successful life one should always CTR because with that you'll go far in life.

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Becoming your Best

Becoming Your Best: 

The 12 Principles of Highly Successful Leaders

1. Be true to character.
Reflection: Having a true character is highly important due to the fact that by having a true character you'll be considered and you'll feel as a great person. When you have a true character it simply means that the way you act is taken in a positive way. When you have a true character it means that you're a person with great qualities and that you're a person that treats others nicely. When you have a good character it basically means that you are honest with yourself and others. In fact. having a true character shows what type of person you may be. Believe it or not one can tell by a person's character how one actually is, if he/she is a bad or good person. For example, if you see a person that is treating someone else with bad respect, you can rapidly conclude that, that person has a bad character. On the other hand of you see a person treating everyone with respect, and you see that he/she is being kind to almost everyone you can conclude that, that person has a great character. One has to remember that true character is they key to success and friendships. In conclusion, you have to be true to character because if not you'll rapidly be labeled as a negative person.

Character is like a tree and reputation like a shadow. The shadow is what we think of it; the tree is the real thing. 
Abraham Lincoln

I will apply this to myself  by always being true to my character and by treating others and myself kindly.

2. Use your imagination.
Reflection: Using your imagination is something truly important especially for people who want to be something in life. If you don't try to imagine the things you want to accomplish that is most likely that you won't become who you want to be. By not having an image of what you want to be in the future, it can show a lack of interest. In fact, when you use your imagination you simply become more creative with your work and personality. In my opinion using your imagination simply makes you better due to the fact, that you are able to do ands see things others may not be able to. Using your imagination helps you create mental images that can surprisingly get you in a good mood, and can also reduce your stress. For example, if one day you are having a bad day by using your imagination in a positive way it can actually lift up your spirit/mood. By using your imagination you are able to visualize your life dream, which only encourages you to strive for that dream. Also I believe that by using your imagination in a positive way it helps you try to make your future as positive as your imagination. In conclusion, by using your imagination it only helps you to become more creative which is the key if you want a successful and happy life.
You can't depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus.
Mark Twain

I will apply this to myself by simply using my imagination to strengthen my creativity.

3. Apply the power of knowledge.
Reflection: Knowledge is the main key to success. Knowledge is the thing that prevents us from doing any negative stuff. Knowledge is the thing that makes us do and say positive things. Without knowledge one wouldn't be able to do anything in life. In fact, knowledge is not easy at all to withhold but we have to work very hard in order to gain knowledge. One we have knowledge we have to apply that knowledge to our everyday life. The reason in which we should apply knowledge onto our regular day life is because we need it on a regular basis in order to function correctly. For example, in life we will always face many problems but if I apply my knowledge into my problems my abilities in fixing my problems will increase. One can see that with knowledge many things are possible in achieving. In conclusion, one should always apply their knowledge to their everyday life in order to be and do great.
Ignorance is the curse of God; knowledge is the wing wherewith we fly to heaven.
 William Shakespeare

I will apply this to myself by simply using my knowledge whenever is needed in order to complete and succeed all my tasks and goals.

4. Never Give Up.
Reflection: Never giving up is the main quality one should have in order to succeed in life. One thing one should know is that success doesn't come easily and it doesn't come by just trying one time. Success occurs after a long period of time and success usually consist of multiple times  in trying to reach it. When you are trying to succeed in something their is always going to be many downhills that will make you feel like giving up, but something we should always remember is that feeling as if you want to give up is just another simple obstacle you have to overcome.In fact, once you succedd in doing something while knowing everything you overcame youll simply feel even more proud. For example, when I had a soccer game with the unified sports I twisted my ankle and it hurted very bad. So at that moment I felt like giving up and simply sat down in the bleachers. Once I saw my teammates losing and going through so much work, I decided not to give up and got in the game. When the game was over I felt even better due to the fact that even though my ankle was hurting I never gave up. In conclusion, giving up is never a choice one should make because by giving up you show a side of you that represents weakness.
If you fall behind, run faster. Never give up, never surrender, and rise up against the odds.
 Jesse Jackson
I will apply this by simply keeping myself positive and knowing that once I overcome my obstacles I'll reach success.

5. Find peace and balance.
Reflection: It is important to find peace and balance due to the fact that one can be able to settle down with their goals and have no stress upon them. Finding peace is important because without peace you wont be able to settle down gratefully. Finding peace simply means that you feel comfortable with yourself and others. It is important to find peace within yourself and others to simply be prideful and comfortable in what you are doing. Having balance is also a huge factor that should relate to reaching your goals and being successful. You have to be balanced with your mindset in how you think and act. If you are unbalanced everything will be all over the place and it's going to be unorganized. For example, if you have to be balanced especially with your goals. You have to know what you want to reach for. If you are not balanced within your thoughts and goals you wont know what to strive for. In conclusion, in order to be able to have peace and balance one you plan ahead in how they are going to act and what they want to strive for.
Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving. 
Albert Einstein
I will apply this to my life by simply knowing what I want for myself and my future.

6. Live the Golden Rule.
Reflection:  The golden rule is something truly important one should follow at all times. In my opinion, one has many golden rules one can follow upon on. I believe one has its own golden rule; and the one I live upon on is treating others as I want to be treated. This golden rule to me is very important and valuable. The reason in which I live upon this golden rule is because I truly believe that the way you treat others is very important. For example, this rule simply means that if you want to be treated kindly by others you should treat those others kindly. Also if you want to be treated bad by others you should treat others bad. I really think that this is important because this golden rule can apply to others rules. For example, this golden rule is very similar to the one that says "What goes around, comes around."I also live upon this rule because one should treat others with such respect due to the fact that we never know when we will need their assistants. In conclusion, everyone can have any golden rule they want to live upon, all that matters is that the golden rule is truly positive.
My favorite parable for living a positive and influential life is the Golden Rule: 'Do unto others what you would have them do unto you.' 
Tony Oller

I will apply this to myself by simply treating others with respect because that's exactly how I want to be treated.

7. Build and maintain trust.
Reflection: Building trust from others is truly important because it benefits you due to the fact that you can receive and help others with such confidence. Once you build the trust with others you have to find a way to maintain that trust and prevent it from simply being temporarily. In order to maintain the trust you simply have to be consistent in being trustworthy. The first step in building and maintaining trust is by simply being completely honest with all individuals. Also something else you should do in order to build and maintain trust by others is by involving them in your life not as much but to simply let them know how much you trust them. When people see how much you trust them they start to open up and start to trust you little by little. Also I believe you should let them know how they are important to you so they can simply open up top you even more. For example, if I wen to build trust and maintain the trust with one of my friends I have to trust them first so they know I care and so they know how much I value them. In conclusion, in order to build and maintain trust from others is by letting them know how much you value them and your friendship.
"Trust is the glue of life. It's the most essential ingredient in effective communication. It's the foundational principle that holds all relationships. "
Stephen Covey
I will apply this to myself by simply trusting my close friends in order to receive trust back.

8.Quick to listen slow to wrath
Reflection: I believe this is one of the things one should be mandatory to follow. This basically means that one should listen to what others have to say before coming out and say something negative/rude. For example, if my friend and I are in an argument and we are talking to each other, I should let her talk before I start talking to her in a way that  makes her feel bad. We should all be smart enough to listen before doing anything because just by listening we can be able to understand the other person and slow down our rage/anger. Usually when we start to talk without letting the other person talk we can get into more trouble or simply cause more trouble.If you stop for a second and listen you have time to actually know what the other person is thinking about and you get time to actually think about what you are about to say. Also by listening you can judge if the other person is sincere enough to talk to or not. You will also be able to value what the other person is talking about. If you realize that other person is talking to you in a nice way they'll be no need to wrath about anything. In conclsuion one should talk less and listen more to simply be respectful.
We have two ears and one mouth so that we can listen twice as much as we speak. 
I will apply this to myself by simply talking less and listening more, to understand how others are feeling.

9.  Lead with vision.
Reflection: If you want to be a good and beneficial leader you must lead with vision and you have to keep in mind that your future is empowered by what you do today and not tomorrow. People want leaders that look beyond the point of today. People want someone who envisions a great and better future. Also no goal is able to be accomplished without having a vision about it first. In order to accomplish your goals you have to have a vision of it so you can actually plan out what you want to do. Once you lead with vision you know what your heading for and you know what is waiting for you. Also when you lead with a vision then you automatically know what you have to be committed to. One should recognize that the the best leaders are the ones that have a clarity in their visions, due to the fact that they know what they are heading for. When a leader makes a vision then that's when they actually work as hard as they can to make that vision into reality. In conclsuion, if you want to be a leader you have to have many vision in mind to simply know what is it that your striving for.
Leadership is the capacity to translate vision into reality. 
Warren Bennis
I will apply this to myself by simply having a vision beyond the present to know what I am striving for.

10.Manage with a plan.
Reflection:  When planning with well management it simply means that you are planning with such organization. I have always believed that when you manage things with a plan it simply leads you to your main focus. When doing this you are able to already know what is going to happen and what to expect. By managing with a plan you already know where you are heading for and you are able to keep track in what you need to and have to do. Also another benefit you can gain by doing this is that when you manage with a plan you never get off track because you already have a well organized plan to lead you through the way. For example, I am the kind of person that has to have a good managed plan to simply function throughout the day. When I have a managed plan I am able to follow my plans to simply use my time wisely. I believe that when you do not have a plan many things can come out how you didn't expected it to come out. Also without a plan you start to lose time and waste time trying to figure out what to do next. In conclusion, everyone should have a managed plan to lead you through your life thoroughly.
"Our goals can only be reached through a vehicle of a plan, in which we must fervently believe, and upon which we must vigorously act. There is no other route to success."
Pablo Picasso
I will apply this to myself by always creating a plan to reach many many goals.

11. Do what matters most.
Reflection: Doing what matters most is truly important because throughout your lifetime there will be times in which you're going to have to give up doing something to simply do what matters most. By doing this one is able to show and act of responsibility. When you do what matters most you are able to get many important things done; things that actually matter and are worth doing. For example, this year I am running  for Jr. Vice President of my school, because of this I have had to give up many fun things to do like hanging out with my friends. When I get invited to go out with my friends and I know I have a lot of work to do I always do what matters most which is my school work. When you do what matters most rather than the things that don't you are benefiting yourself in the long run. Although many would rather do other things that what matters most you are simply doing what makes you happy that second but in the long run you'll see how much it will affect you. You have to always remember that you have to start thinking about your future and the your present, because by doing this you are able to start benefiting yourself  in the long run which is truly important. In conclusion, do what matters most now because in the future you'll see how much it benefited you.
"We should not need a hurricane or other crisis to remind us of what matters most....What matters most is what lasts longest."
Elder M. Russell Ballard

I will apply this to myself by always remembering that doing what matters most will pay of sooner or later.

12. Be accountable
Reflection: To be accountable is truly important, because by being accountable you are also being responsible to what you do and say. Being accountable is needed for almost everything you do. Every time you do something you have to hold the responsibility of being accountable for your actions. This is why you should always be doing the right things so you can be accountable for something positive and not negative. If you are doing bad things I can guarantee you that you won't  want to be accountable for the things you did since it was negative. For example, I am currently running for Jr. Vice President and I know if I do get elected I have to be accountable to everything I do; which simply means I have to be responsible for the actions I do. The reason in which I need to be accountable is being Im going to be planning things out for my school as well as doing events when doing this I need to realize that I have to be accountable for whatever happens, good or bad. Although I know many people don't want to be accountable for stuff because they believe it may come out wrong that's the part in which they have to build up their courage. When you are accountable you also have to know that you have to be willing to be responsible for things you do even if it has a bad outcome. In conclsuion, being accountable is something everyone you be in order to show an act of independence and bravery
"A person may cause evil to others not only by his actions but by his inaction, and in either case he is justly accountable to them for the injury."
John Stuart Mill

I will apply this to myself by being accountable to everything I do to simply grow as a person.

Overall Reflection: Overall these 12 attributes for highly successful people are very useful and they all prepare you to have a wonderful and great future. I believe that in order to succeed in life one should be able to have all these attributes. We should follow these attributes during our whole lifetime because it simply makes us become a stronger and better person. These attributes have helped me personally due to the fact that I am now able to implement this in my life and the way I act. When one is able to implement these attributes in ones life we are able to see the grand impact it truly makes upon ourselves. Many may say that they do not see the difference but I can assure you that in the long-run you get a lot of benefit from doing all this.In conlusion, I will definatly reccomend these atrributes because I know the great change it can make in ones life.

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Ten Tips fro Being More Truthful

Ten Tips for Being More Truthful
Barbara A. Lewis

1. Make a commitment to tell the truth.
2. Tell someone about your commitment.

Reflection: Being a truthful person is truly important due to the fact that every person who always says the truth is considered as a great and loyal person. One should always be truthful towards others because when one is truthful and others realize it you'll develop a grand friendship. When you commit yourself to being truthful you're basically heading to a CTR path. I believe it's good to tell others about your commitment because others may encourage you to keep doing what you're doing. Also if you tell others about your commitment you can even inspire them to do the same, and once they see your commitment they could even look up to you. People out in the world these days have an urge to lie, but ,many should change that because by lying to others it'll make you lie to yourself. In my opinion, people should always tell the truth because believe it or not it'll definitely benefit you later in your future. Remember that one you lie to others you'll later get used to lying and you'll end up lying to yourself. In conclusion, one step and maybe and maybe obstacle to others may be to quit lying and always tell the truth because lying never brings positive vibes into your life.

3. Think before you give an answer.

Reflection:Thinking before you give an answer is something one should always do in order to prevent any wrong responses and even offensive responses. There are many scenarios in which one should always think before you say something. For example, when one is at school and the teacher asks a question you have to be careful and think before you answer, in order for you to get things right, and in order to prevent being embarrassed in front of the class. Another scenario in which one should always think before you answer is when you are talking to people like friends or family, or simply anyone in particular. You should always think before you say something, due to the fact that anyone could take anything you say in a offensive way. We should always think before we speak because we have to remember that words are very powerful. When speaking many people are very careless, so one should think before speaking because anything can be rapidly misinterpreted. Also something I believe that is very important is that one can actually judge how you are when you speak. For example, if I start talking with improper grammar others may rapidly think of me as something negative. In conclusion, always think before you give an answer; if you actually want to give a good impression.

4. Be careful of when and how you use exaggeration, sarcasm, or irony.

Reflection:  One should always try to keep things simple when talking to simply avoid to much exaggeration, sarcasm, or irony. When talking many people tend to use exaggeration, sarcasm, and irony a bit to much. Many people are so used to talking this way that they sometimes even find it normal to use. On the other hand, some people are not used to this type of talking which makes them confused once they hear it. In fact, by simply exaggerating, using sarcasm, or irony many people do not even realize that some lies even come out their mouths. These things cause people to lie and it causes others to doubt on what the other person is saying. For example,when one exaggerates we start to add many white lies into our conversation little by little; to simply keep the conversation interesting. When we use sarcasm, the other person starts to believe our sarcasm, and when the person knows we use to much sarcasm they later can not take things seriously; or they later have problems in believing us. Irony is basically like sarcasm, which also makes people not trust you in what you say. In conclusion, when one wants to be taking seriously we should try to avoid to much of exaggeration, sarcasm, and irony.

5. Be careful not to twist the truth or leave out part of it

Reflection: One should always try to avoid twisting the truth or leaving out part of it; in order to prevent any type of conflict. In my opinion, as soon as one starts to twist just a little of the truth or as soon as we leave a bit out, we automatically get used to lying which is always a negative thing one can do. By twisting the truth, little by little one starts to throw white lies into the story which later makes you a liar, even for the littlest lies you've made. When you start to leave out things from the story it simply means you're changing the whole story, even for the littlest things you leave out. If one wants to be considered truthful and wants to feel as an honest person one should say things just as things happen. People tend to always add or leave out some things when you say something which really doesn't seem so harmful, but that can actually cause trouble. Due to the fact, that you're being dishonest. Although people may think that it is not such a big deal, it actually is. Even though you see nothing happens in that moment because of the lie you've made, it will be brought up sooner or later; and you'll have to confront it. In conclusion, in order to avoid any conflicts always say things as it happen without adding anything or leaving anything out, because it'll make a huge difference.

6.Don't indulge in little white lies

Reflection: As I've repeated constantly many people always have the urge to add little white lies while talking. Many people believe that just because their little white lies it doesn't really matter or make a huge difference. Little do they know those white lies can really hurt you in the long-run. When one starts to get used to white lies they start to talk with a lot of white lies included but they're so used to it they won't even notice. Believe it or not these white lies start to accumulate little by little until you've made up a huge lie. For example, when telling a story you can add little extra details that are not true which is considered white lies. Once you see that, that lie did not affect anyone you'll keep doing it making your whole story totally fake. In fact many people think of white lies as something non-hurtful; which I believe they shouldn't. If you see white lies as non-hurtful you'll start to believe it is not bad. In conclusion, even though many people think white lies are not bad always think about the long-term consequences it may hold.

7. Watch out for silent lies.

Reflection: In my opinion I believe silent lies are the most dangerous lies their can be. These types of lies simply prevent you from saying the truth. In fact, these kinds of lies are the ones that can get you in big trouble. Due to the fact that you may be lying in order to keep someone else safe/protected. For example, a silent lie can be if one day I see someone cheating on a test and when someone asks who was cheating I just keep quiet. This is an example of a silent lie due to the fact that I keep my truth silent and I simply say a lie. This can later hold huge consequences for both myself and the other person, because sooner or later the other person will get caught by what they did and I will get caught lying. Many people tend to do these silent lies especially when they have to "cover up" their friends or any loved ones. People usually feel as if it is an obligation to lie in order to help a friend out. In my opinion, this is never a good idea because sooner or later the truth is going to come out, and you'll look like the bad person because you lied. In conclusion, it is better to say the truth when one is asked to say it because saying a lie never ends up in a positive way.

8. When you catch yourself lying throw your mouth into reverse 

Reflection: When someone says that once you catch yourself lying throw your mouth into reverse; it basically means that you have to start all over and actually say the truth. This can sometimes be very difficult to some but this can be a great practice in order to stop lying and get used to saying the truth. As I've said before many people tend to lie a lot and some are very used to it so when starts to lie they do not notice. On the other hand, if once you hear yourself lie and we go back and say the truth this can be a cause of a great habit. The great habit we may develop is the act of always saying the truth and once you hear a lie you'll correct it. For example, if I'm telling a story to my friend and I notice that I made up a little part I have rephrase myself in order to say nothing but the truth. If you do not reverse you mouth (lie) then others will automatically consider you as a liar and they'll have trouble trusting you. When you do not correct your lie others will sooner or later find out you lied and it will basically ruin your reputation; which can affect you a lot in the long-run. In conclusion, one always has a chance to come back to your lie and actually turn it into something truthful, but once you miss that opportunity you'll automatically become a liar.

9. Talk to yourself 

Reflection: Talking to yourself can be something truly beneficial. I believe many people need to at least one time in their lifetime talk to themselves in order to analyze what is going to come out their mouths. Talking to yourself can be done mentally, for example talking to one self to me means to talk in their head. When one does that one is able to hear what they are about to say without actually saying it. When one talks to their self one is able to decide what they are about to say. One is able to think about what they are about to say, for example they are able to decide of they should say it or not and if it's going to affect people. For example, if someone asks me what I did yesterday I answer that question really quick to myself just to see if it makes sense. In fact, talking to oneself is very important because you can rapidly detect lies, and you can see whether you should or should not say it. In conclusion, something good to do is talk to oneself in order to say right things without it having bad consequences.

10. Treat yourself when you tell the truth.

Reflection: Treating yourself when telling the truth is something very important one should do. The reason in which we should do this is because we later start to get used to the fact that telling the truth is nothing but the best thing to do. As I've repeatedly said many people are so used to saying lies that we find it normal. So one way in which we can prevent that from happening is by simply realizing that telling the truth is something very positive. This is also important because we should be able to recognize what is good and what is bad. When one is able to recognize what we do either if it is right or wrong  we are able to actually feel proud of our actions. Which simply encourages us to do more positive attributes. Although many people may find it bazaar that treating our own self is something we should do, it actually is. Believe it or not once we start to treat our self we start to develop a sense of positivity and confidence.

Overall Reflection: These ten tips for being more truthful are absolutely great and very beneficial for one's life. If you are able to follow these ten tips then that's a sign of positivity in your life. If you follow these tips it simply shows what type of person you are which is a good and truthful person. The reason in which these tips will benefit you is because they provide an act of greatness and once you follow these tips it shows that you are a CTR person. In order for me to incorporate these tips in my life then I have to be truthful when myself first. I need to make sure I know what type of person I am, either if its a good or a bad person. After I am truthful to myself I have to me truthful to everyone around me, in order to get people's trust and friendship. I have to be truthful about everything and never tell not even the smallest lie there can be. On tip I am focusing on applying to myself is tip number ten, because I feel that I never treat myself even if I've done something great. In conclusion, if one wants to live a life full of happiness and greatness one should always be truthful.

Friday, April 1, 2016

How the Internet Works

Khan Academy (How the Internet Works)

Reflection:  While watching the videos provided by Khan Academy I have learned many new things about the the internet itself but also about our own computers. I have learned the pretty long process the internet takes in order to provide us with our needs. For example, something I learned while watching the Khan Academy videos is that the internet is actually a tangible physical system made to move information from one place to another. I learned that the information the internet withholds is made out of bits. Bits are composed of two possible solution, and because of that they call it binary codes. Another thing that  was very interesting about the internet is that we can actually send signals at the speed of light. Many people have even stated that the internet has become a great part in our lives. Without the internet I believe we would not have great and high quality as we do know. For example, wherever you decide to go I can guarantee you the internet is used in some type of way. In conclusion, I believe that the internet has help shape our world in a positive way; due to the fact that it has only made us more advanced and has even made us more intelligent in some way.

Thursday, February 25, 2016

10 Keys

10 Keys to Personal Power
Brian Tracy
Key 1. Clarity
"Have vision. Determine what you want to be, do or have in life. Have a sense of direction and know where you're going. If you do not have clear specific goals in life, you are doomed forever to work for others who do."

Reflection: This personal power key is honestly very important, this not only help one be successful in life, but this also helps one run through their life fluently and very easily. This key means that should have already have an idea in what they want to do in life, or what they want to be. Once one has an idea of the many things they want to do, one is able to be more determined. If you have already envisioned something you want to accomplish in your future, it is very easy to simply work for that specific thing. On the other hand, if one does not have and idea in what they want to do in life, once you are trying to work towards something you won't know what to push your self to,and you will be basically all over the place. For example, I have a life planning book, which is a book in which I write down my goals, so this is very helpful due to the fact, that I already know what to look ahead to, and what I need to accomplish. By having you'r goals clear, one is able to accomplish them faster, because you won't have you mind all over the place. In conclusion, if one wants to accomplish a goal faster, one should be clear towards their goal, in order not to waste time in doing other things.

I will apply this key to my life, by simply knowing what I want for my self in the future, in order to waste my time responsibly.

Key 2. Competence
"If you commit to excellence, opportunities will always come your way. The harder you work, the better you get."

Reflection; If one is a competence person throughout everything,one could accomplish many stuff very quickly and easily. When you are a competence person you go farther and you actually accomplish many things. This key doesn't only make you ahead of many people but it also makes you work harder and harder. This key also helps you use your time and wisely and it also helps you because it gives you more energy to do and accomplish what you want. I conclusion, strive for what you want and always think about your future. Be a competence person and do not let any doors to a successful future shut.

I will apply this to myself by never procrastinating,and always striving for what I want.

Key 3. Concentration
"Make the best of your time. Ask yourself" Is this the best use of my time?" Before you start anything."

Reflection: This key is very important, due to the fact, that it can lead you to many open doors full of opportunities and success. Concentration depends on listening and paying attention to others. Concentration is for somebody to actually be focused on something and not getting distracted. When one is concentrating in something one has a huge chance in succeeding in it. When you are not concentrated in something you are basically wasting time, when all along you could be doing something worth time.In conclusion, if you want to accomplish any goal fast and easily one should always be concentrated, and always avoid any kind of distractions. 

I will apply this by always focusing on important stuff, not on stuff that simply pulls me away from accomplishing my goals.

Key 4. Common Sense

  • Train your mind
  • Think things through
  • Listen to your intuition
  • Learn from setbacks
Reflection: I believe that common sense is something truly important that one should always have. When one  has common sense one is able to think through stuff before one does something. When one has common sense it shows how you are a person who listens to others thoroughly. When one has common sense one is able to understand and perceive things easily. People who do not have common sense actually do bad with most things they do. When someone does not have common sense one can already guess what kind of person he or she is. If they do not have common sense one can already believe that they are the kind of people who do not listen or even pay attention. In conclusion, when one has common sense many can rapidly tell they are good people who actually listen and pay attention.Common sense can show others rapidly how a person is,either he or she is smart or not.

I will apply this  to myself by simply listening and paying more attention in order to do and understand simple things.

Key 5. Creativity
"Except the fact that every human being is a genius. The hallmark of creativity is asking questions. The people who are most creative ask the most questions"

Reflection: This key is very important because by doing this one can discover new and great things. Creativity begins with questions;once one has the urge to ask questions one is able to discover new things and one is able to learn more about other things. Creativity is a key which only makes you as whole expand as well as knowledge. One should always try to be creative, due to the fact that it only makes you and your work better than others. Creativity is the key that opens new and great doors that will lead you to your future. Creativity is one of the best qualities one can have, because it makes you out stand around anybody. Creativity is one thing that makes you think for yourself as well as it helps you create you own path towards success. Creativity is one thing that can automatically make you independent , because your able to think of new and better things that others never imagined. In conclusion, creativity gives you new and better concepts that others never had which simply makes you ahead of everyone else.

I will apply this to myself by trying to discover knew things and ask more questions to simply gain the quality of being creative.

Key 6. Consideration
"The quality of your relationships with other people will determine your success in life."
"Develop the people skills you need to become a better communicator.  Take courses in listening, speaking, etc."

"If you were to learn one new word a day, within 5 years, you’ll be the best educated person in history."
Reflection;  Consideration among things like people around you is something one should truly have in order to develop great listening skills and in order to create great friendship. This key makes you think about others rather than simply yourself. Once others realize how considerate you are you start to develop trust on others, that will benefit you later in the future. This key wont only make you feel better, but it'll also make others feel as if their opinions really matter. For example, in our IDP I have to be considerate enough to with others in my group in order that our project flows properly. This doesn't only benefit the project as a whole, but it benefits on others because they feel as if their opinion has value. This is important because it shows others how you take their ideas and opinions into consideration which means into thought. In conclusion, if one wants to accomplish grand things one should take into consideration others ideas in order to expand your ideas.
I will apply this to myself my simply caring about others and others opinions, in order to expand my ideas and success.

Key 7. Consistency

"Dependable, steady predictable work is always superior to fast spurts of work."

Be consistent in your relationships, your family, friends, your boss, your work.  Be the person that people can depend upon.  That if you say you’ll do something you do it.."

Reflection: Consistency is something one should have due to the fact that it helps you be on track with whatever you may be doing. When you are a consistent you are able to accomplish your goals faster. Consistency can also show what type of person you are; many may rapidly say you are a very responsible and intelligent important. Consistency is actually very challenging, due to the fact that you have to be on top of your work without falling behind. One should challenge themselves to be a consistent person, because at the end of the day your consistency will make you on top of everyone by simply not procrastinating. By being consistent one is able to be ahead of others and that'll make others ask for help. This could be taken in a positive way, because it sows how basically your others role model. In conclusion, if you are a consistent person you'll not only be on top of your work, but you'll also reach your goals very fast.
I will apply this to myself, by simply being on top of my work, and not giving up. Also I will try to stop procrastinating.

Key 8. Commitment

"No success is possible without commitment.  The ability to commitment to yourself whole heartily is the basis of achieving all success."
"Become totally absorbed in your work.  Be totally committed."

Reflection: Commitment is one quality one should always have. Commitment is dedication towards specific things. Commitment turns you into a person that's very responsible. Also it turns you into a person that never gives up, and once your given a task you don't rest until you've succeeded. For example, I have a very important presentation coming up called Interdisciplinary Project. In order for my project to run through fluently I have to be committed to it. I have to be committed to my work in order to have everything prepared for the actual day of the presentation. If on the other hand I am not a committed person towards my project at the last  minute I'll be probably be rushing everything. One has to be totally absorbed in their duties, due to the simple fact that that's what makes you succeed. In conclusion, if one has a goal one has to be fully committed to it in order to accomplish it.
I will apply this by dedicated everything I do to simply succeed.

Key 9. Courage

"The fear of failure is the single greatest reason for failure in life."

Reflection: Having courage is something very important everyone should have. In order to succeed in life one should be courageous in order to succeed. One needs to be courageous in order to try new things that will lead you to success. Being courageous basically means that we have sometimes do things we don't like. If you do not have courage you'll always be afraid to try new things; which will unfortunately effect your future negatively. If you fear in doing wrong in life, and never even bother to try you'll defiantly fail later on, due to the fact that you never even try to overcome that fear. If one never tries to accomplish something you'll never know either if you would of succeeded or not. In conclusion, one should never have the fear to fail, because failing is just a process leading to actual success.

I will apply this to myself, by simply trying new things while not being scared because if I fail, I know I'll never give up.

Key 10. Confidence
"You only get confidence by doing things over and over again."

Reflection: Confidence to me is the major key to success. Confidence allows you to try  new things while keeping a positive attitude at all times. When one is confident one is capable of doing many things others would not bother to do. I personally believe that when one is confident nothing is ever a challenge, because you'll always think and know you'll do great. For example, I can admit I am not the most confident girl; compared to how others are. I am the kind of person that always has doubts in myself. This truly affects me, especially in school, due to the fact that every time I do something I doubt myself and my work. I even make myself believe I can not do it. So in conclusion, I will and I am trying to change myself for the better. I am trying to be a confident person, because I know that, that is a huge key I still need to accomplish in order to succeed in life.

I will apply this to myself, by trying to believe in myself, and by always saying "I can do it", in order to stop the doubts I have towards myself.

Total Reflection: The ten keys for personal power in my opinion are very important not only because they're more likely to lead you towards success, but also because it makes you a better and more intelligent person. I believe that if one is able to maintain these keys in their life they'll definitely reach their goals and even accomplish them. Although many people think that the ten keys are not as much keys to follow, they are very hard to incorporate in one's life, due to the fact that not everyone has the same ways of thinking and acting. The key I have been recently trying to incorporate in my life is key number ten. I am focusing in this key more than the others, because I feel I am lacking that ability of confidence. I am the kind of person that is so insecure not for how I look, but how I do my work. Everytime I do school work I always doubt myself, and even make myself believe that whatever I am doing is wrong. The way in which I am incorporating this key in myself is by simply trying to speak my mind and always take positive risks. In conclusion, once I accomplish my goal of being  confident I will focus a bit more on the other nine keys and simply strive to my future hopefully filled with success.