Thursday, October 29, 2015

Network Security Specialist

Network Security Specialist

Duties and Responsibilities: A Network Security Specialist is a kind of computer administrator that specializes in protecting a company's data and other information. 
Education: You have to receive a four-year degree in information technology at an accredited university. You also have to receive training for this job through the U.S. military.

Salary: High Wage: $135,600     Medium Wage: $86,170    Low Wage: $49,960

Reflection: I honestly would like and at the same time wouldn’t like to be a Network Security Specialist. I would like to be one, because they actually win a good amount of money. I also like how you can only take a four year degree. One thing I don’t like though is that you have to receive training for this job through the U.S military. Which I don’t understand, why do we have to get trained in the military. Overall I think this job is truly great.

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