Thursday, October 29, 2015

Microsoft Business

Current Event (Microsoft Business)
Licensing payments from PC makers were down 6 per cent. A sign that the July launches of Microsoft's Windows 10 operating system failed to spark an immediate revival in sales. This means they are basically going downhill. Microsoft made less money from selling mobile phones, which shows a rapid comprehensive that the company isn’t working as good as their supposed to. Microsoft reported hefty increases in the number of people paying for the Xbox Live online gaming service and for Office 365, which came in very handy to their company. In conclusion, Microsoft "defied the skeptics" by showing growth in key areas.
Reflection: Microsoft to me is a very great company that provides all of us with great technology. Microsoft truly shows how great and strong they are, because as we can see the company went downhill, but rapidly got to their feet and provided us with even better and newer technology uses.

Image result for do not fear

Network Security Specialist

Network Security Specialist

Duties and Responsibilities: A Network Security Specialist is a kind of computer administrator that specializes in protecting a company's data and other information. 
Education: You have to receive a four-year degree in information technology at an accredited university. You also have to receive training for this job through the U.S. military.

Salary: High Wage: $135,600     Medium Wage: $86,170    Low Wage: $49,960

Reflection: I honestly would like and at the same time wouldn’t like to be a Network Security Specialist. I would like to be one, because they actually win a good amount of money. I also like how you can only take a four year degree. One thing I don’t like though is that you have to receive training for this job through the U.S military. Which I don’t understand, why do we have to get trained in the military. Overall I think this job is truly great.

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Ways to Be

Way to Be
9 Ways to be Happy and Make Something of your Life
Gordon B. Hinckley
1. Being Grateful
Reflection:  Being grateful is a very important topic. By being grateful one can tell something about another person very quickly. Being grateful is important because one day something can happen to a loved one, and you can get that guilt right inside you that will make you ask yourself why didn’t I appreciate her/he and why wasn’t I thankful. I honestly always try to remember to be grateful toward my family especially my parents.  The reason in which I always try to be grateful is because they’ve gave me so much, and I need to appreciate that. Also everyone should be grateful for their life and their lifestyle. Because most lifestyles can compare to other people’s lifestyles, for the reason of economic problems. You should always appreciate what you have because many would kill to have you have. Also always be grateful because you’ll never know when you don’t have that special something or someone. In conclusion, be grateful because if you’re not your basically just taking everything for granted.
I have been very blessed in my life and rewarded with good friends and good health. I am grateful and happy to be able to share this.

From now on I know that I should never take something for granted because one day it may not be their, I will just simply be grateful.

Way to Be
9 Ways to be Happy and Make Something of your life
Gordon B. Hinckley
2.) Be Smart
Reflection: This is honestly something very important everyone should consider doing during their lifetime. Being smart can benefit you in many ways. A lot of people think that being smart is just used it school. Although it is true, you do not only have to be smart in school but basically just in their regular lives. Being smart can open so many great opportunities, and close many bad doors in your future. Being smart can also make you choose good and great decisions. Being smart benefits you for many reasons, but not only that; it also makes your parents extremely proud of you. By being smart you can be something great in the future. For example, I always try to make smart decisions because I know that later on the future that will help me out even in the little possible ways. So in conclusion you have a decision to either be smart or simply just irresponsible, and that can even change you future in either a positive or negative way. Depending what you decide to choose.
Working hard and working smart sometimes can be two different things.

I will apply this to my daily life just by simply thinking about my future, and how I actually want to end up later on.

Way to Be
9 Ways to be Happy and Make Something of Your Life
Gordon B. Hinckley

3. Be Involved in Good Works
Reflection: This is very important to do always, for many reasons. This simple action can benefit you in many great ways. Being involved in great works truly shows what kind of person you are. By doing this many people will be able to see what a hard worker you are. This not only benefits you but also others because they receive you great works. Being involved benefits you and your education. Not only by being involved you going to be benefited, but you also get to see and learn many new things, so as much as you’re involved with your community the more great things you’ll learn. For example, I myself have joined a little soccer team which helps special kids interact with other kids like us. Although this benefits me in my education, it also benefits them because they have so much fun. This has made me a better person and makes me be thankful; for all the abilities I have.
Anybody can do bad work, but not everybody does good work.

~Paul Simon
Image result for good works
I will apply this by joining any thing I can that obviously involves something good, because not only i will be happy but others to.
Way to Be
9 Ways to be Happy and Make Something of Your Life

4.) Be Clean
Reflection: Being clean is something very important. Being clean can be thought of and talked of in different ways. The first thing people think of when they are taught to be clean is that it simply just means to be organized and not messy. Being clean also has to do with you being clean with your body and mouth. For example, you can be clean with your body by not having tattoos or adding any drugs into your body. Being clean with your mind is not saying disrespectful things that might hurt someone’s feelings. By doing this many people will rapidly know what kind of person you are. So everyone should keep in mind that being clean doesn’t just have one meaning because it also means many other things. Another way to be clean is just being faithful in any situations; because those people that live just by lying and lying are just filthy dirty people to me because I know those people are not good people. In conclusion, being clean can make you seem like a true wonderful person not only in the outside but in the inside.
Be strong in body, clean in mind, lofty in ideals.

I will apply this to myself and my life by just being physically and mentally clean because those two things are basically the two main goals of being` clean.

Ways to Be
5.) Be True
Reflection: It is always important to be true not only to others but to yourself as well. Being true to others means to be yourself around others. Also it means to be truthful around people and simply just be true to them and never lie about anything. Being true to yourself is as important to be true to others because just because you’re true to others and not yourself it doesn’t mean you’re absolutely correct in what you’re doing. To be true to yourself is by simply just accepting who you are, and at no point think if being someone else. If you ever try to be someone else deep inside you it actually means your hurt in some kind of way. By not being true to yourself or others it can affect you in many ways. One way it can affect you a lot is just by later on coming into reality which honestly must hurt a lot, once you already changed what you are and who you are. For example, you can’t just simply think life is easy and like fairy tale, one way or another you have to be true to yourself and admit and accept that life is difficult and to live gratefully you have to overcome many obstacles. In conclusion, if you want to have an honest and good life remember that being true to yourself and others is one step to accomplish that.
The only real failure in life is not to be true to the best one knows.
I can apply this to myself  by not trying to fake who I am for others, because later on they wont matter at all, because the reason I'm working hard is for me not for them.
Ways to Be
6.) Be Positive
Reflection:  Being positive is something that can rapidly make your day a whole lot better. To be positive you simply have to choose to be happy throughout the whole day and not let anyone ruin it. By being positive you create your whole world into a bright and great horizon. In my opinion if you think positive everything may come out good, in the other hand if you think negative and don’t believe in yourself most likely things may come out bad. Everyone is positive in many ways, for example I Like to be positive all mornings when I go to school, because honesty I feel good throughout the whole day. By being positive one can know what kind of person you are. Many people will automatically like you for being positive. For the reason in which you’ll bring good vibes. If your negative most people won’t like to be around you because all you’ll simply do is bring bad vibes to everyone around you. Which believe it or not it affects everyone around you. In conclusion, we should always be positive because although it doesn’t seem that important it can change your whole day or even life around into something wonderful.
Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you'll start having positive results

I will apply this to my life by thinking that everything will be okay to at least bring light to my life and future.
Ways to Be
7.) Be Humble
Reflection: Being a humble person is one characteristic everyone should have. This can make you actually seem like a great person. If you’re not a humble person this can make you seem like an awful person, because you’ll seem as if you think you’re better than everyone else. Although you’re doing great in life, just simply try not to show off, because one day you may lose everything you have. Just imagine if you lost everything you owned, nobody will want to help you, due to the fact that they saw the way you acted. Always be down to earth, because although you think you’re the greatest, in other people’s eyes you’re an awful person. Everyone should be humble, because that “fame” you have now can disappear in just a matter of seconds. If people are not humble and think there to good for anyone else, believe me everyone is the same no matter what. Everyone deserves equality so don’t think you’re the best because trust me you are as equal as anyone else. For example, in the GPA posters we have in the hallways in school, it has a gold, silver, bronze, and alert section. At this moment I’m in the silver section which is close to the highest section which is gold. I would never go brag about my GPA and my silver position, because I never know that along the weeks of school I can drop to even the alert section.
The praise that comes from love does not make us vain, but more humble.
I will apply this to my life by recognizing that all my success can fade in seconds so simply act humble.

Ways to Be
8.) Be Still
Reflection: Being still can affect you in both positive and negative ways. For example, if you’re still and you simply don’t want try as much to accomplish your dreams, it will hurt you a lot. In the other hand, if you’re still and simply just get away from bad things it’ll be something positive you’re doing. Being still can make you a person that behaves well, and doesn’t do any errors. Also by being still and following direction, no one has to correct you. In the contrary, sometimes by being still, it makes you not want to try new stuff, and it makes you just be a closed person. I, in one hand I’m still in some situations, like my school. I’m still by simply following directions and not causing trouble. But when it comes to work or any competition, I simply can stay still. I usually go crazy trying to be and do my best.  In conclusion, always be still in certain situations, and always don’t stay still and get up and do your best in other situations.
In the midst of movement and chaos, keep stillness inside of you.

I will apply this into my life, by being still when i actually have to, but stand up in other cases instead of being simply quite.

Ways to Be
9.) Be Prayerful
Reflection: I believe that by praying and by simply being faithful, it can help all of us achieve great things, and also make us a better person. I honestly do respect everyone’s belief and some people don’t believe in god, but as I like to say, as long as you do good in life, and you’re a good person it doesn’t really matter. The goal everyone should have in this world is simply being a good person. My belief is that if one respect others and is a great person, good things will come to you, but if you do bad and your just a negative person, negativity comes to yours life. Many people find relief in praying and others find relief in other ways, and as I recently said it doesn’t matter what you believe in as long as you do good to the world and yourself.

Ways to Be

Overall Reflection: The 9 ways to be happy is very important to me, and should be very important for everyone else. I can guarantee that by following these 9 ways, one can truly live a magnificent and wonderful life. These 9 ways to be are some great steps that lead you to a successful future. Although I’m young and people say I don’t know what I’m saying I actually do. I will promise myself that I’m going to follow these 9 ways because I know what I want for my future. All I want for my future is to be successful along with my family and friends and, live with such vast happiness and love. By being grateful, smart, being involved in good works, being clean, positive, humble, still, and being prayerful, I know I can accomplish anything I want, because each one of these ways will boost me up little by little, until I’m truly satisfied and proud of myself. These ways will truly benefit me a ton, due to the fact that they all can make me look and actually be a better person. I recommend any one who wants a great future to follow these 9 ways, because they are actually miracle workers, once you follow them by word.