Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Ambulance dispatcher
Go online. Look for and provide following information. Publish your information as a new post in your electronic portfolio.
Duties and responsibilities: Ambulace Dispathers
answer 9-1-1 telephone calls.
They also determine the type of emergency and its locations.
Something else they do is theyMonitor and track the status of police, fire, and ambulance units

Salary: 80,000

Most dispatchers are required to have a high school diploma.The candidates must pass a written exam and a typing test. Sometimes, applicants may need to pass a background check, lie detector and drug tests, as well as tests for hearing and visions

Reflection: I honestly wouldnt like to be an Ambulance Dispather because in I will know that a little mistake I  make a person can be in danger because iether I cant contact the ambulance as fast as possible.